First Post - December 8th, 2024

Dark Greetings! Insert here obligatory 'I'm new to coding' post, so please forgive any weird things you might see going on with my layout. I'm teaching myself through practice and the occasional article every now and then. This site is truly a work in progress. My main priority is to carve out a space for myself to exist more authetically. Since the inception of my existence online, it has felt like nothing more than a performance of exceptionalism. As someone whose life has been dedicated to the pursuit of exceptionalism, I fear I no longer want to/ can maintain this facade any longer. I hope for this space to be one where I can truly be vulnerable about things that I would be hesitant to share with my more traditional social medias. I have always been a big fan of the anonymous profile. Granted this site will not be quite as anonymous becasue i have attached my face to it, but I do take cpmofrt in the fact that none of those viewing my profile are people that know me in my day-to-day life. Websites also tend to require more longform content. My writing quality has definitely declined quite a bit since I've graduated. It is a goal of mine to redevelop this muscle that has largeely been unused since the time I have graduated. Expect more journal entries, and when I eventually code the pagee, a section of this site dedicated to essays that have my thoughts on topics of interest. Grammar has never really been a stong suit of mine and I know for a fact I am atrocious typing skills, so please try to ignore any mistakes you may come across in my writing. Additionally, it is a hope of mine that I am able to enagage with other members of the Neocities community. My most used social medias are located on the main page of the website, so feel free to reach me there. All I ask is you mention that you're reaching out from Neocities. To those who do not partake in the usage of social media, I will at some point include my email somewhere. At this moment the site is going to look very bare bones, but I will be working on it as I progress. My tendency towards perfectionism has me picking coding up and then dropping it when things do not look exactly as I want them to. It's a habit that I'm trying to break. If I ever upload a page that looks relatively unfinished, it is because I know it will never be uploaded otherwise. All I ask is that you all bear with me. Thank you for reading. I look forward to sharing more :]